Batch Lookup
Our Batch Lookup tool will allow you to lookup multiple requests all at once. For example if you have a list of 1000 IP addresses that you wanted to check across our database then you could use the Batch Lookup tool. After the process is completed you can either browse the results on the screen or export them to a CSV, XML or TAB file.


The first step is to gather the list of IP addresses. You will then need to navigate to the Batch Lookup tool. To get the Batch Lookup tool navigate back to ProxStop's home and click on Users, then Batch Lookup on the left hand side.

Enter the list of IP addresses separated by a new line. You will be charged 1 point for each IP that is looked up.


After importing you will be provided with a response for each IP address. Located on the right side there will be options to export the results to a CSV, XML or TAB file.