API Services - Code Names - Error Codes
Below is a list of all the error codes you may encounter when using our services.

Global Error Codes

Error Code Error Message
INVALID_KEY The API key provided is not valid.
INVALID_REQUESTING_IP The IP making this request is not whitelisted per user settings.
INVALID_SERVICE The service provided is not valid.
MAINTENANCE Our system is currently undergoing system maintenance. Please try again later.
NO_POINTS The account in use has no points.
UNKNOWN An unknown error has occured. Please try again later.

Per Service Error Codes

Error Code Error Message
INVALID_ADDRESS The address provided is not valid.
INVALID_EMAIL The e-mail address provided is not valid.
INVALID_IP The IP address provided is not valid.
INVALID_TELECOUNTRY The telephone country code provided is not valid.
INVALID_TELECODE The telephone verification code provided is not valid.
INVALID_TELEPHONE The telephone number provided is not valid.
INVALID_TELEREFERENCE The telephone reference ID provided is not valid.